Mobile – unless you’ve been living under the proverbial rock this year, you can’t have escaped the message that mobile is THE most important thing facing your online business at the moment.
With predictions varying, but undeniably getting closer and closer, more people will be accessing the Internet from their mobiles rather than their desktops ‘very soon’.
From the real statistics we gather for our clients, we can say that for the past three years it has doubled year-on-year, from, on average, 4% in 2009 to 8% in 2010, 16% in 2011. That puts 2012 at a potential 30% and 2013 at over 60%.
At Canary Dwarf, we have been talking with potential and existing customers about the importance of mobile to their business.
And we are pleased to announce a very exciting project on the horizon.
Due for launch in early 2012, we will be developing a new web project for a reasonably large local company on mobile, tablet and desktop websites.
This project will largely feature a responsive design, a single website that will adapt to fit whatever device it is being viewed on. This technique is widely being hailed as the new way forward for mobile web design – and is starting to emerge from some of the big name agencies in the UK and US. It will also likely feature content targeted at each device, dependent on our research.
We don’t rest on our laurels here – the web industry is constantly changing, and so we are always looking at ways this can benefit businesses. People who work with us know that we don’t use technology for technology’s sake, we talk at length to our clients to create a business model, then use tech to support it, not the other way about.
Just exactly who the client is remains under wraps at the moment, as our client tells us that it will be the first in its industry in Scotland to present themselves online in this format, and for that reason, we are very excited.