PPC – Display Advertising

Display advertising provides you with an alternative to advertising in search engines, by offering visual ‘ad slots’ on participating websites.

These can be used as well as, or instead of, Search Ads and are good for brand awareness campaigns, Ads display as vertical, square or horizontal ‘banners’ on websites, and can be a great way to expose your brand to a wide audience relatively cheaply.

You can fill them with a pre-designed advert or a video.

Whereas Search Ads appear only in search results, Display Ads appear on websites outside of Google’s network. Any website owner can set up their website to show Google’s Display Ads. There are more than 2 million websites in the Google Display Network.

The hidden bonus of Display Ads is that your ad can be seen thousands of times without incurring a click-through cost, which makes them ideal for brand awareness, if designed correctly.

If you don’t know whether this type of ad is right for you, or you need help designing Display Ads, get in touch with us.

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