Client consent

We are proud of our customers and the work we do for them.

Sometimes, we want to be able to mention your organisation on our own marketing and social channels, whether it’s sharing the great things you stand for, or the work we’ve done for you, such as a website, or app.

However, I also think that it’s something we should ask permission for before doing, or where it could be seen as a recommendation, a declaration that it could be deemed a ‘paid promotion’ if not declared.

All such mentions will be made with tact, taste and no circumstances will we give away any sensitive data.

Just kindly let me know if we can do this here:

    We will only ever use your brand tastefully to to
  • (i) Your logo will only ever be used in context of our working relationship, eg to say that you are a client, or in blog post or case study if you have consented separately. (ii) It is important that, if your posts are shared by one of our social media pages, that the relationship is diclosed. In the US, this is a legal requirement (iii) In the coure of our working relationshiup, we make take picture of your operation, buildings, staff, etc incidentally or for marketing your organisation. Your consent as a business includes staff employed by you, but we will never use pictures of your customers without their separate written consent.
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