Our new normal

Not an awful lot changed at Canary Dwarf when the Covid-19 pandemic struck. Naturally, we were well-prepared to work online, from home or anywhere else for that matter, so we were able to continue proving our service. We stopped face-to-face meetings and training obviously, and just switched to online meetings and training.

Prior to Covid-19, we often used remote tools to control customers’ screens. Historically, these have been Teamviewer, Join.me, LogMeIn and going back to the very beginning, VNC.

These are all good tools for remote connections, but the world has adopted Zoom as it’s preferred platform for video calls, and it allows remote screen control too. So because it’s more familiar to our customers, we’re using it now more than anything else.

Side by side by Zoom

If you’re stuck or need training, we can deliver it as if we’re sat right beside you. Over the years, our side-by-side training has become our point of difference – business owners have more confidence in their websites and marketing systems if they know how to get best use out of them. Before Covid-19, we had customers coming all the way from the Central Belt to get WordPress training, but now, we can save them that 400-mile round trip and a stay overnight (sorry tourism sector!). Our training sessions can be anything from an hour to a day. Contact us to find out more.

Look at it later with Loom

For shorter training sessions or technical support, we use a tool called Loom. It’s a short-form screen recorder, and some of you will have received ‘looms’ from us already. They’re often just a couple of minutes and answer a specific problem very neatly. It works for us, because we can just do the task, record the screen and narrative – which is actually quicker than writing out a whole sequence of steps – and it gives customers an easy-to-follow resource they can save for future reference. They can also pause and repeat as much as they want.

Monitoring the metrics

We’re watching the metrics in advertising change dramatically and we’re adjusting your PPC campaigns accordingly. We’re doing a lot more content creation, and now lockdown is easing, we’re getting out and making videos again. Did you know We made 70 videos last year!

So other than that, we’re not doing anything differently. If you need anything, call us on 01309 255055, or keep it online with an email to [email protected].

Stay safe.

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