
08.09.16, 4pm: Emergency server switch

We have moved 20 websites from an old server onto a new high performance server. This was planned for next month, but had to be brought forward  to prevent website downtime.
All the sites have been moved successfully and we now have to wait for the DNS servers to pick them up, which could take up to 48 hours, but actually should complete much sooner.
Your website is unlikely to go down during this period, but may briefly while it switches. This is normal
If your domain is with your own domain registrar, then you should log in and change your nameserver addresses to:

  • ns1.197,

If your domain registration is with Canary Dwarf, then we have already done that for you.


If you have email addresses on your domain and use an email program, there is an important change you need to make to your email program
Change your outgoing server to use the same login as the incoming server.
If you use a program such as Outlook, there is an option to check, similar to ‘Use sane settings as my incoming server’ so you shouldn’t need to actually add your username and password, just tick the box.
If you have any difficulty, please contact [email protected] for further help.

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