Web hosting

Website hosting doesn’t need to be complicated. But it often is, with companies throwing jargon here, there and everywhere, it soon becomes a minefield.
All websites need hosting on a piece of hardware in a datacentre. It’s their home on the internet.
Canary Dwarf makes website hosting easy with a jargon-free option. Basically you stop here and say you want ‘somewhere to put your website’ and we’ll decide what you need, set it up and never expect you to deal with your DNS, or know your nameservers.


If you’re baffled by all the geek-speak and you don’t really know what type of hosting you want, we can help. A few questions about your business is all it takes for us to determine what you need, then we’ll set it up and off you go. To find out more, just ask.
For those who DO want the technical specs, we have a wide range of hosting services to choose from.

High performance shared website hosting

This is our starter product, suitable for small businesses with normal traffic.
It comes with MySQL and MSSQL database support, and runs with a choice of Plesk or cPanel dashboard and free POP3, IMAP and webmail. Ideal for most PHP-based content management systems such as WordPress and Joomla. Includes script installers (cPanel only)
Price starts at £52 per year. (That’s £1 a week with money-back guaranteed network uptime of 99.5%) 

Cloud hosting

This is our most advanced hosting product. It runs a hybrid system that allows ASP and PHP scripts to host off the same server. It’s cloud-based, so comes with incredible reliability and scalability. Includes script installers for popular open source software.
Price starts at £75 per year. (Money-back uptime guarantee of 99.9%)

Tuned WordPress hosting

This server is optimised exclusively for WordPress. We’ve configured this beast differently to give optimum performance over our standard and cloud hosting. This is ideally suited to a WordPress site in high demand and updated often.
Prices start at £204 per year. (Money-back uptime guarantee of 99.99%)

Server management

Don’t know your DNS from your POP? Scared of pressing the wrong buttons? You’ll never have to log in to your hosting panel if you buy our management add-on. Canary Dwarf takes care of everything, from setting up your server in the first place to setting up email addresses.
Price £35 per year (in addition to hosting costs)

Solo hosting

When you just have to have the best website hosting there is, we’ll put your website on its own server, alone. No other sites to slow it down, unless you want to add more of your own. It really is just for you, and we can even configure specifically to meet the technical demands of your website. It’s not cheap, but it is the best.
Price starts at £60 per month or £600 per year. Setup: £50. (Money-back uptime guarantee of 99.999%)
All prices subject to VAT. Terms and conditions apply.
To enquire about any of our hosting services, just ask.
All website hosting comes with free POP3, IMAP and webmail hosting, but please see our Email hosting page for more options.

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