Have you ever wished there was a single resource that helped you plan every aspect of your web project?
The Website Owners Manual does just that. A comprehensive volume on the non-technical aspects of website management.
Written by industry expert Paul Boag, the book provides a reference for anyone involved in the management of a business website from choosing who to work with to usability testing and accessibility.
We love this book at Canary Dwarf and we often give them to clients who show a passion for getting involved with the day-to-day management of their website.
And you can win one by helping us spread the word on Twitter.
We’ll be giving one each to a Facebook ‘fan’ (we still like to call then fans) and a Twitter ‘follower’.
All you have to do is follow us on Twitter and then retweet the following message:
Follow @Canary_Dwarf and RT this message for a chance to win a copy of the Website Owner’s Manual by @boagworld
More about the book
Buy the book at Amazon