Email marketing returns £43 from every £1 spent
Wed 8 May, 6-9pm, Forres, Moray
It’s widely reported that for every pound spent on email marketing, businesses get £43 back.
That’s how effective email can be in marketing your business. Even the social media revolution has not dented the power of email.
It remains the most cost-effective method of inbound marketing today.
Think about it. Email is thirty years old, yet it still remains one of the key ways we communicate. It’s not going away. It’s not a fad, and it can boost sales online and offline
But turning it into a lead or a sale relies on a few key principles.
- How do you get people to read your sales emails?
- How do you build a good list of subscribers?
- How does an email turn into a sale?
These questions and more will be answered in our first 2-hour email marketing course. We’ll guide you through the basics and essentials so that you’ll be able to:
- Write headlines that make people open your emails
- Write content that makes people WANT to buy from you.
- Create a compelling reason to spend money with you.
The course also demonstrates how to use the popular email marketing and list management software MailChimp. We’ll show you how to use this amazing free software to create, test and measure your first effective newsletter.
Are you ready for email marketing? It requires no extra skills than those you already have to run your business, ie, a knowledge of your products and your buyers. Come along and find out how you can get started with this amazing marketing tool.
Three-hour course/workshop: Email marketing and MailChimp for beginners
How to kick start your digital marketing
(includes documentation and hands-on support)
Please note we only have SIX places for this workshop, so book early to avoid disappointment.
What you need: Laptop, netbook or tablet
We’ll provide: Power, wifi, refreshments, pen and paper.
When: Wednesday 8 May 2013, 6-9pm, 120 minutes instruction, 60 minutes hands-on.
Where: 116 High Street, Forres IV36 1NP
Course content comprises of two hours of instruction, followed by an hour of hands-on help setting up you own MailChimp account, list and campaign
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Due to the popularity of this course, we will re-run it regularly. Get notified of upcoming dates by signing up to our mailing list
Or if you want one-to-one support for your own campaign, why not book a one-to-one training session
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